+--On 21 mars 2016 13:43:43 -0700 Don Lewis <truck...@freebsd.org> wrote:
| On 21 Mar, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
|> +--On 21 mars 2016 11:18:26 -0700 Don Lewis <truck...@freebsd.org> wrote:
|> | gnome-post-install does several different things.  I haven't looked to
|> | see if all of them should be moved.  Unfortunately I'm not sure that an
|> | exp-run would pick up some of the more subtle breakage.
|> Then, we just extract the INSTALL_ICONS bits into a gnome-install-icons
|> target, and run it later, much later.  The gnome-post-install target
|> could benefit from being split up.  It was not so before because
|> USES=gnome is quite new, and adding stuff to the target ordering system
|> was a pain. Now, it could be splitted in gnome-gconf-schemas,
|> gnome-glib-schemas, gnome-installs-omf, and gnome-install-icons.  It was
|> on my roadmap when I rewrote the target ordering system to use numbers,
|> but I decided against changing too many things at once.
| That sounds fine to me.  I didn't closely look at the rest of
| gnome-post-install since I was concentrating on the problem at hand.

I went looking around Mk/Uses for targets not using helpers, ended up with


| I'd also like a target explicity for generating a dynamic plist that
| runs after post-install.  Doing it in post-install works most of the
| time unless you start using post-install option helpers to install
| additional files.

No, dynamic plists are evil you don't check what end up in the package, and
it's a mess.

The only exception is ruby gems and python modules because things change
too much between ruby/python versions and it can't be done another way.

|> | One of my concerns is that if we start using TARGET_ORDER_OVERRIDE all
|> | over the place, that will make maintaining the framework a lot more
|> | difficult.
|> There's a difference between all over the place and in a dozen ports :-)
|> (it only makes it about 0.05% of the time, if I get my math right)
| Well, here are a bunch more ... these contain both INSTALLS_ICONS and
| "autoplist", which I'm assuming comes from USES_GNOME=autoplist

I think you mean USE_PYTHON=autoplist, but the python autoplist feature
only grabs stuff in the python module directory, so not icons.

Mathieu Arnold

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