On 02/03/16 15:18, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
> I just did a full 'pkg upgrade' on my FBSD 9.3R box, which installed the
> newest GCC5. I also updated ports. When I used the pkg-provided GCC5, it
> doesn't have graphite support enabled, so no auto-parallelization. When
> I checked the port w/ make showconfig. it shows graphite enabled. I am
> recompiling it as I write this, but I thought the pkg was/is configured
> from the port & would have graphite enabled by default, w/ no recompile
> needed on my part, no ? I have the various other pkg's req'd for
> graphite support pkg-installed (& just updated this A.M.), so I thought
> I was ready to go. Not a huge issue, but recompiling the compiler shoots
> about an hour on my box, would be sweet to avoid that. TIA for any clues
> & have a good one.

A quick check in the ports tree shows that the GRAPHITE option isn't in
the default options for the gcc5 port. You must have enabled it in the
past on your system.

So the official package will not have that option at present.

You can try asking the maintainer for the defaults to be changed, but
the he has the last word about that.

Guido Falsi <m...@madpilot.net>
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