El día Tuesday, December 15, 2015 a las 05:31:39PM -0500, Michael Jung
> I still have a copy of the failed workspace.
> matthias
# $FreeBSD: head/editors/libreoffice/Makefile 403436 2015-12-09
23:43:30Z jbeich $
built without error for me on FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #10 r291494M today.
using poudriere-devel-
I'll be happy to post the log file or provide additional info if help
other regard
this as (s)HAM
Question: Do you compiled the port in poudriere with clang or gcc?
Please send ma the log off-list. Thanks.
Meanwhile, I could catch the situation with the failing gengal.bin for
the Gallery/arrows dir. A truss shows that the proc for gengal is
failing during start with a message:
= 7 (0x7)
fstat(7,{ mode=-rw-r--r-- ,inode=168077,size=7991,blksize=4096 }) = 0
mmap(0x0,7991,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,7,0x0) = 34367979520
munmap(0x8007dc000,7991) = 0 (0x0)
close(7) = 0 (0x0)
write(2,"Bootstrap exception 'service not supplied'\n",43) = 43 (0x2b)
= 0 (0x0)
_umtx_op(0x819c06658,UMTX_OP_NWAKE_PRIVATE,0x1,0x0,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
open("/lib/libgcc_s.so.1",O_CLOEXEC,00) = 7 (0x7)
fstat(7,{ mode=-r--r--r-- ,inode=16373968,size=56248,blksize=32768 }) =
0 (0x0)
close(7) = 0 (0x0)
_umtx_op(0x819c07000,UMTX_OP_WAIT,0x1875d,0x0,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
munmap(0x8007cc000,65536) = 0 (0x0)
munmap(0x8007bc000,65536) = 0 (0x0)
madvise(0x819cf0000,0x3a000,0x5,0x804d4dbe8,0x804d4dbe8,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
close(3) = 0 (0x0)
madvise(0x819cbe000,0x32000,0x5,0x804d4dbe8,0x804d4dbe8,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
madvise(0x819c9c000,0x2000,0x5,0x804d4dbe8,0x804d4dbe8,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
process exit, rval = 1
I have from the situation the following data:
- complete args and environment for gengal.bin
- the above visible XML file services.rdb
- the complete truss file
The failing code in gengal.cxx is this
void GalApp::Init()
try {
if( !mbInBuildTree && getenv( "OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX" ) == NULL )
OUString fileName = GetAppFileName();
int lastSlash = fileName.lastIndexOf( '/' );
#ifdef WNT
// Don't know which directory separators GetAppFileName()
// returns on Windows.
// Be safe and take into consideration they might be
// backslashes.
if( fileName.lastIndexOf( '\\' ) > lastSlash )
lastSlash = fileName.lastIndexOf( '\\' );
OUString baseBinDir = fileName.copy( 0, lastSlash );
OUString installPrefix = baseBinDir + "/../..";
osl_setEnvironment(envVar.pData, installPrefix.pData);
) );
uno::Reference<uno::XComponentContext> xComponentContext
= ::cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext();
xMSF = uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory>
( xComponentContext->getServiceManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
if( !xMSF.is() )
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to bootstrap\n" );
exit( 1 );
::comphelper::setProcessServiceFactory( xMSF );
// For backwards compatibility, in case some code still uses
// plain
// createInstance w/o args directly to obtain an instance:
} catch (const uno::Exception &e) {
fprintf( stderr, "Bootstrap exception '%s'\n",
And I can very easy reproduce the problem by just un-taring a saved
work/ dir into a stopped jail, if someone with more C++ and libreoffice
knowledge is willing to investigate this.
Just drop me a line. Thanks