On 5/12/2015 9:40 AM, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working with the upstream maintainer of M2Crypto (
> https://gitlab.com/m2crypto/m2crypto ).
> In the distutils that comes with Python, the swig binary is harcoded
> to "swig" if on a POSIX system:
> https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/v2.6.2/Lib/distutils/command/build_ext.py#l635

Short-term, swig20 could provide a symlink to the versioned binary until
a 'more correct' and permanent fix can be made.

I'm not sure what to do about those ports that depend on swig30 in the
presence of swig20 also being installed, given they don't appear to
CONFLICT_INSTALL on each other. They both can't provide the swig
symlink. Supporting swig in DEFAULT_VERSIONS doesn't sound right and is
probably overkill.

> In our ports, we name our swig binaries things like
> "/usr/local/bin/swig2.0" or
> "/usr/local/bin/swig3.0".  How do we deal with this in Python ports which
> use

If this is the case, it would mean all swig dependent things are also
broken. How are other ports dealing with it, or working? This might
provide some insight.

The if os.name == "posix": branch could do the same swig
version-suffixed binary checking that the elif os.name == "nt":
condition branch does.

A smarter way might *also* be to add functionality to that swig method
to allow the system to provide the binary path/name via envvars or
command line argument to (build,build_ext) commands explicitly.

I suggest creating an upstream issue.

> If possible, I'd like to push a fix upstream for FreeBSD, if the upstream
> maintainer
> is OK with it.

Hit us up on IRC (#freebsd-python) if you'd like to talk more, or have

> Thanks.
> --
> Craig

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