On Sun, 22 Nov 2015 12:08:48 +0100, Kurt Jaeger stated:

>> Unless I am mistaken, MySQL 5.7.9
>> <http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.7.html> in not in the ports system.
>> Are there any plans to add this to the ports tree? There appears to be a
>> tarball for FreeBSD listed.  
>There's work being done on that, but it needs boost updates,
>not easy:

Obviously, I am not a "ports" grue, but why can't the ports version of
"boots" be updated to the latest stable version, 1.59.0 as shown on the
"boost" website <http://www.boost.org>. The ports version is over two (2)
years old and there have been several updates since then.

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