On 2015-10-09 01:49, Willem Jan Withagen (ecoRacks) wrote:

Trying to upgrade Postfix, and this is what pkg suggests:
New packages to be INSTALLED:
          jpeg-turbo: 1.4.1 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          mozjpeg: 3.1_1 [FreeBSD]
          pth-hard: 2.0.7_1 [FreeBSD]
          pkg-devel: [FreeBSD]
          php55: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-mbstring: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-zlib: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-session: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-xml: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-bz2: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-ctype: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-zip: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-filter: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-openssl: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-mcrypt: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-mysqli: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-json: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          idnkit: 1.0_5 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          mysql-connector-c: 6.1.6 [FreeBSD]
          mysql55-client: 5.5.44_1 [FreeBSD]
          mariadb100-client: 10.0.21 [FreeBSD]
          mariadb55-client: 5.5.44 [FreeBSD]
          glproto: 1.4.17 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          xorg-server: 1.14.7_6,1 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          dri: 10.6.8,2 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          xkeyboard-config: 2.14 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          xkbcomp: 1.3.0 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          linux_base-c6: 6.6_6 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          gbm: 10.6.8 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-sockets: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-mysql: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-hash: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-iconv: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-dom: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          php55-readline: 5.5.30 [zfs.digiware.nl]
          ja-libslang: 1.4.5.j2_1 [FreeBSD]
          java-zoneinfo: 2015.f [pkg.freebsd.org]
          alsa-lib: 1.0.29 [pkg.freebsd.org]
          avahi-libdns: 0.6.31_2 [FreeBSD]
          avahi-app: 0.6.31_5 [FreeBSD]
          libdaemon: 0.14_1 [pkg.freebsd.org]

Awkward things:
- my PHP is already on 5.6
- I explicitly try to prevent getting too much X11 stuff, so I definitly
don't want X-server and dri
- As a free bonus I also get linux_base.

This is also the fact that weird things need to be fetched from
pkg.freebsd.org, instead of my own poudriere pakages

And I do not dare pressing 'Y' on the continue question to see if SAT is
going to change his mind once the packages have been downloaded...

So I'm thrown back to portinstall

What was the exact command you ran? Was it something of the form "pkg upgrade -x foo"? I ask because pkg has a bug where providing an -x pattern to pkg-upgrade results in it matching a bunch of uninstalled packages.

For a fun example, try running `pkg upgrade -x perl5`. Even better (though not for a slow machine) is `pkg upgrade -x p5-`, where it tell you it needs to install ~5800 new packages. :-)

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