Dear Maintainer,

I just wanted to let you know that the output for htop (after
installation) is out of order:

Message for htop-1.0.3:
htop(1) requires linprocfs(5) to be mounted. If you don't
have it mounted already, please add this line to /etc/fstab
and run `mkdir -p /usr/compat/linux/proc; ln -s /usr/compat /compat; mount
linproc /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw,late 0 0

should be

Message for htop-1.0.3:
htop(1) requires linprocfs(5) to be mounted. If you don't
have it mounted already, please add this line to /etc/fstab

linproc /compat/linux/proc linprocfs rw,late 0 0

and run `mkdir -p /usr/compat/linux/proc; ln -s /usr/compat /compat; mount

The last line should be before the mkdir commands, to prevent users from
incorrectly adding the "mkdir ..." commands to /etc/rc.conf

I installed htop using 'pkg install htop-1.0.3'.

Output of 'pkg info htop-1.0.3':

Name           : htop
Version        : 1.0.3
Installed on   : Sat Sep 12 03:11:13 MDT 2015
Origin         : sysutils/htop
Architecture   : freebsd:10:x86:64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : sysutils
Licenses       : GPLv2
Maintainer     :
WWW            :
Comment        : Better top(1) - interactive process viewer
Options        :
        LSOF           : on
Annotations    :
        repo_type      : binary
        repository     : FreeBSD
Flat size      : 151KiB
Description    :
htop is an enhanced version of top, the interactive process viewer,
which can display the list of processes in a tree form.

Comparison between 'htop' and 'top'

        * In 'htop' you can scroll the list vertically and horizontally
        to see all processes and full command lines.
        * In 'top' you are subject to a delay for each unassigned
        key you press (especially annoying when multi-key escape
        sequences are triggered by accident).
        * 'htop' starts faster ('top' seems to collect data for a while
        before displaying anything).
        * In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number to
        kill a process, in 'top' you do.
        * In 'htop' you don't need to type the process number or
        the priority value to renice a process, in 'top' you do.
        * In 'htop' you can kill multiple processes at once.
        * 'top' is older, hence, more tested.


If you have any questions, let me know.

Antonio Arredondo
PhD Candidate
NMSU Computer Science Department

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