On 2015-09-01 16:08, Xin Li wrote:
I hit a conflict between pkg behavior and the Porters' handbook, it
confused me.
In this example:
The handbook suggested that the right PORTVERSION should be 0.7.1.d if
DISTVERSION is 0.7.1d.
However, pkg version -t 0.7.1 0.7.1.d gives me >, suggesting that 0.7.1
-> 0.7.1.d would be considered as a downgrade.
I'm asking mainly because www/dokuwiki's upstream have a habit of using
a letter to denote patchlevel, for instance, 20150810a means first
service pack of 20150810, so it's expected to be greater.
pkg version -t 20150810 20150810a gives me '<', which is pretty much
what I'm expecting, but this sounds wrong based on my previous
experience with package tools and the porters handbook.
Could you please clarify what would be the correct approach? For now
I'm going to continue using PORTREVISION for this port as it's done
Thanks in advance!
I, as sysutils/lsof maintainer, depend on the behavior you see (the >).
Vic Abell uses the letters as "fixup" releases, until a full release,
for example;
4.89A -> 4.89B -> 4.89C -> 4.89 -> 4.90A -> 4.90B -> 4.90
Larry Rosenman http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
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