+--On 18 août 2015 14:53:31 +0200 Michelle Sullivan <miche...@sorbs.net>
| Ports Index build wrote:
|> Dear port maintainers,
|> The following list includes ports maintained by you that have duplicate
|> LATEST_LINK values.  They should either be modified to use a unique
|> PKGNAME, e.g. by using PKGNAMESUFFIX.  Note that NO_LATEST_LINK is
|> deprecated.  See the portmgr blog post for more information:
|> http://blogs.freebsdish.org/portmgr/2013/10/03/package-name-collisions/
|> Thanks,
|> Erwin "Annoying Reminder Guy III" Lansing
|> LATEST_LINK          PORTNAME                       MAINTAINER          
|> ========================================================================
|> == databases/postgresql-libpqxx3 20080111.freebsd....@ab.ote.we.lv
|>  devel/tortoisehg     6year...@gmail.com                                 
|> databases/p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder miche...@sorbs.net
|>  databases/pgpool-II-33 miche...@sorbs.net
|>  net/bmon             miche...@sorbs.net                                 
|> www/p5-REST-Client   miche...@sorbs.net                                 
|> www/py-collective.easytemplate miche...@sorbs.net
|>  www/py-collective.templateengines miche...@sorbs.net
|> Total: 25123 ports
| Epic misfire, or did I misread the intent?

Epic misfire, LATEST_LINK is gone, so, every port has the same, empty
string, value.

Mathieu Arnold

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