
I have some machines on which, for various reasons, only ports are used.

On upgrading ports, I keep running into the the fact that 
/var/db/pkg/vuln.xml is lagging behind /usr/ports/security/vuxml/vuln.xml 
which is updated via portsnap (and thus upgrading the vulnerable ports

So I'd like to propose defaulting to vuln.xml from ports if it is newer
that the one from /var/db/pkg/ and AUDITFILE is not defined by the user.

Tentative patch attached (I'm not happy with the != constuct).

IOnut - Un^d^dregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
  "Intellectual Property" is   nowhere near as valuable   as "Intellect"
FreeBSD committer -> ite...@freebsd.org, PGP Key ID 29597D20

Index: bsd.port.mk
--- bsd.port.mk	(revision 392405)
+++ bsd.port.mk	(working copy)
@@ -2970,14 +2970,15 @@
 # Check if the port is listed in the vulnerability database
-AUDITFILE?=		${PKG_DBDIR}/vuln.xml
+_AUDITFILE!=	${TEST} ${PORTSDIR}/security/vuxml/vuln.xml -nt ${PKG_DBDIR}/vuln.xml && \
+		${ECHO} ${PORTSDIR}/security/vuxml/vuln.xml || ${ECHO} ${PKG_DBDIR}/vuln.xml
 	@if [ -f "${AUDITFILE}" ]; then \
 		if [ -x "${PKG_BIN}" ]; then \
-			vlist=`${PKG_BIN} audit "${PKGNAME}" || :`; \
+			vlist=`${PKG_BIN} audit -f ${AUDITFILE} "${PKGNAME}" || :`; \
 			if [ "$${vlist}" = "0 problem(s) in the installed packages found." ]; then \
 				vlist=""; \
 			fi; \
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