Carmel NY wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Jun 2015 12:36:44 +0100, Matt Smith stated:
>> The other alternatives are as you say, put /usr/local/bin before 
>> /usr/bin in the $PATH. Or add an alias for commands like ssh to point to 
>> the ports version. These methods aren't quite as clean though.
> Swapping the PATH can, in a few instances, really mess up attempting to build
> a port. I finally gave up and used the "alias" idea for openssl. It appears
> to work Okay.
>From a security aspect...

Do all your users alias?  (assumption: its more than just you on the system)
Do you check the alias is set everytime you login to a session?
If you change to another shell for any reason is the alias persistent? 
(eg as root (defaults to csh) some times I have to do: sh -c 'for a in x
y z ; do ( cd ${a} && rsync -e ssh remote.server:/path ) ; done' ) - and
do other users know that this would be wrong?

See the point I mean?

For the security conscious one would know to use the full path of ssh,
most do not do this... a large percentage have no idea that they would
even need to let alone remember.



PS: There is a workaround for ssh clients in /etc/ssh/ssh_config to stop
it falling back to "insecure" protocols - though every freebsd-update
attempts to change this file back to the default... fortunately I have
puppet to reset the file in the event of me missing the update/reset.

Michelle Sullivan

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