Hi all,

Is there a mechanism for using the USE_GITHUB variable in a port that
depends on submodules? For instance, the Rust port requires an embedded
(and modified) version of LLVM, which it includes as a submodule. Right
now I'm attempting to add the following to a `post-extract` rule:

    cd ${WRKSRC} && \
    git init && \
    git remote add origin https://github.com/${GH_ACCOUNT}/${PORTNAME} && \
    git fetch && \
    git reset --hard ${PORTVERSION} && \
    git submodule init && \
    git submodule update --recursive

But this seems quite hackish! It would be great if submodules Just
Worked... but alternatively, is there a USE_GITHUB_URL or somesuch that
would check things out via Git instead of tarball to save me the `git
init` through `git reset` steps?


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