It seems that pkgng deviates from installing the defaults. one of the culprits seems to be phpMyAdmin, as trying to upgrade this only it wants php56 deleting phpMyAdmin just shows I have other packages needing php56 in my system.
is this a bug? and how can I prevent upgrading to the non-default php56? cheers Carsten root@myhost ~:>uname -a FreeBSD myhost 10.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p5 #0: Tue Jan 27 08:52:50 UTC 2015 i386 root@myhost ~:>pkg upgrade Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. Checking for upgrades (70 candidates): 77% mod_php5 has no direct installation candidates, change it to mod_php5? [Y/n]: Checking for upgrades (70 candidates): 100% Processing candidates (70 candidates): 4% php5-5.4.38 is locked and may not be modified dovecot-1.2.17_5 is locked and may not be modified apache22-2.2.29_2 is locked and may not be modified Processing candidates (70 candidates): 100% The following 88 packages will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: php56-session: 5.6.6 php56: 5.6.6 php56-xmlrpc: 5.6.6 php56-xml: 5.6.6 php56-mysql: 5.6.6 php56-mbstring: 5.6.6 php56-ctype: 5.6.6 php56-openssl: 5.6.6 php56-mcrypt: 5.6.6_1 php56-filter: 5.6.6 php56-gd: 5.6.6 php56-json: 5.6.6 php56-mysqli: 5.6.6 php56-zlib: 5.6.6 php56-zip: 5.6.6 libzip: 0.11.2_1 php56-bz2: 5.6.6 p5-CPAN-Meta: 2.143240_1 p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta: 1.44.14_1 p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML: 0.012_1 php56-simplexml: 5.6.6 php56-tokenizer: 5.6.6 php56-gettext: 5.6.6 php56-iconv: 5.6.6 Installed packages to be UPGRADED: phpMyAdmin: 4.3.9 -> 4.3.10 php5-xsl: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-xmlrpc: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-xmlreader: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-xml: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-wddx: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-tokenizer: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-simplexml: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 php5-session: 5.4.37 -> 5.4.38 <snip> _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""