On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Julian H. Stacey <j...@berklix.com> wrote:
> Hi, Reference:
>> From:         The BSD Dreamer <beas...@tardisi.com>
>> Date:         Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:25:11 -0600
> The BSD Dreamer wrote:
>> On 2015-01-09 07:42, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>> > +--On 8 janvier 2015 19:44:09 -0800 Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us> 
>> > wrote:
>> > | Can you please explain why this option was removed? It's been in the
>> > | ports for over 13 years, and lots of users utilized it.
>> > |
>> > | I realize that BIND is no longer in the base in 10.x, but that would
>> > | be a reason to make the option conditional, to continue to support the
>> > | substantial user base that is still on 8.x and 9.x.
>> >
>> > I only removed it from bind99, it was never there in bind910.  I removed it
>> > because it was a poor design idea to begin with, and it was making the port
>> > harder to maintain.  Also, it was overwriting files in the base system,
>> > which is a thing we do not want to do.
>> >
>> > All you need to do is add:
>> >
>> > named_program="/usr/local/sbin/named"
>> >
>> > to your rc.conf, like the message says when you install the port.
>> >
>> > It was a bit like the /usr/bin/perl symlink, it was time for it to go.
>> But, it was a huge and sudden pain for it to suddenly disappear and break
>> everything...
>> I can only abandon FreeBSD as our DNS platform as fast as replacement systems
>> appear.
>> Why have we decided that we're going to cease FreeBSD for our DNS servers
>> (after I had made such a strong case for FreeBSD?)  Count the PORTREVISIONs
>> to bind before 9.9.4 and after.  Plus look at all the other annoying changes
>> in those PORTREVISIONs without that things have been working fine for the
>> rest of us before.
>> I should've been home hours ago...if I haven't been stuck dealing with
>> bizarre problems caused by updating a bunch of packages.
>> Now I have update nagios-plugins, since base nslookup is gone.  Does it end?
> ( ... As another user/admin of named for years, I've also gnashed teeth
> as FreeBSD re-arranged var & chroot & rndc paths yet again, per
> version; Needing more version dependent additions to my multi
> version wrapper shell. OK, perhaps inevitable, but ... )
> The latest FreeBSD named annoyance, ripping named out of src/ (&
> apparently abandoning the chroot too I've read ?!), caused me &

Is there a rationale behind abandoing chroot() ?

Is there a URL for that ?

> presumably numerous other user admins to _Not_ upgrade FreeBSD boxes
> until extra free time could be found to deal with FreeBSD gratuitously
> consuming user time.
> Years back FreeBSD had too many broken ports, but at least then
> broken code was still in ports/ even if not enough was marked with
> Makefile BROKEN="cause", & often we needed numerous setenv DUDS
> "onemore `printenv DUDS`" .
> Now FreeBSD ports is in some ways Worse, it regularly loses not
> just broken but even working ports, for no Good reason (eg demime
> & majordomo etc).
> Ports get regularly axed, so user admins know for each FreeBSD
> upgrade we've first got to stumble over what ports commiters have
> axed, then discover when axed, then recover back from svn to ports/,
> then install marked BROKEN=, then develop a fix (if a fix is even
> necessary!), then store the patch for automatic application by local
> script, (in case FreeBSD fail to accept it ) then convince FreeBSD
> that a butchered port thould be restored.
> FreeBSD ports axe men are damaging FreeBSD, they should just
> assert BROKEN= on broken ports, & Never removing working ports/ !
> Cheers,
> Julian
> --
> Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix C Sys Eng Consultant Munich http://berklix.com
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