On 2014-11-20, David Wolfskill wrote:
> It has been my practice for several years to email sensitive information
> (such as passwords) to myself via envrypted email, using mutt and GPG.
> [...]
> Then, a few minutes ago, I tried to retrieve a password from one of my
> saved encrypted messages... only to be informed "Could not copy
> message".

  I also enjoyed some friction trying to use gnupg 2.1 with mutt,
though I didn't get the "Could not copy message" error that you

  Instead I was seeing 'no secret key'.  In my case, this was resolved
by following the advice at
  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GnuPG#Unattended_passphrase .

  echo allow-loopback-pinentry >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

  and editing my copy of mutt's gpg.rc to add '--pinentry-mode
loopback' to every gpg invocation involving a passphrase-fd.

  After that, things were back to normal for me.

  Hopefully this helps others avoid the same problem.


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