On 1/4/2015 8:49 AM, Ben Woods wrote:
> I am trying to create a new port, where the main source code should be
> retrieved from GitHub, and a secondary piece of source code should be
> retrieved from an FTP site.
> The USE_GITHUB port magic does not work for the primary source code if the
> MASTER_SITES and DISTFILES variables are also specified in the Makefile for
> the secondary source code. The result is that only the secondary code is
> downloaded and extracted. Using += for the MASTER_SITES and DISTFILES
> assignment does not fix the issue.
> Is there a way that these can be used together for this propose?
> Regards,
> Ben

See ports-mgmt/poudriere Makefile.

Use 'GH' in MASTER_SITES for the USE_GITHUB source:

                http://mirror.shatow.net/freebsd/${PORTNAME}/ \

You can use whatever order you wish.

Bryan Drewery
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