Am 22.12.2014 um 16:39 schrieb
> Hello,
> Im the author of rmlint, a tool to remove several types of waste from
> your filesystem.
> It is especially good for finding duplicate files and directories.
> I (and a co-developer) rewrote rmlint (version now is 2.0.0) and merged
> it into the master
> branch a few days ago. The new version has many improvements concerning
> speed and accuracy (and also somewhat better code quality :).
> I briefly tested it on a friend's FreeBSD box and it compiles and runs
> just fine - although some optimizations were disabled.
> The biggest difference concerning compilation: It uses scons now.
> Also a note: the master branch is considered to be stable, all dangerous
> action happens in the develop branch now. Proper releases will be made
> too after gathering a small amount of patches.
> You can find the documentation here: Code can be
> found in the usual place:
> I wrote a little bit more about the changes here:
> The last package was done by Jesse Smith (, but
> he told me would like to give it to someone else due to time constraints.
> So... anyone up for it? :)

Seems that an rmlint port had been submitted as a PR, but was closed
because of deficiencies in the port and submitter timeout when trying
to resolve these issues.

But this old rmlint port is no good starting point, anyway, since it
violates many style requirements.

I have started to work on a new rmlint port and intend to finish it
when I'm back from a 2 week vacation ...

Regards, STefan
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