Michael <michip...@gmail.com> wrote
  in <547ec79e.2040...@gmail.com>:

mi> Hi everyone!
mi> In my current installation of TeXlive (texlive-base-20140525_3) there
mi> is no command etex.  This is a problem, as some packages and programs
mi> rely on etex (e.g. metapost).
mi> I am not sure which port to install to have an etex program again.

 etex was missing and I fixed in r373858.  Please try the latest ports
 tree and upgrate print/tex-formats.

mi> Also I just noticed fmtutil-sys --all does nothing (just sit for half
mi> a second or so), isn't it expected that it rebuilds all available
mi> formats?

 In the fmtutil.cnf configuration file, all of the entries are
 disabled by default.  If you want to use it, please enable them.
 Normal users do not need to touch it because print/tex-formats (and
 other TeX-related ports) handles format files as necessary.

-- Hiroki

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