Am 03.09.2014 um 16:36 schrieb O. Hartmann: > > I receive this error while using /usr/local/bin/svn: > > svn: E200019: Version mismatch in 'svn_gnome_keyring' (expecting > equality): found 1.8.0, expected 1.8.10 > > It occurs on every usage of the svn binary installed via port > devel/subversion. Using /usr/bin/svn as it is installed by the base > system works fine.
Hi Oliver, I have experienced a similar problem after the upgrade of the port to 1.8.10, but with kwallet instead of gnome-keyring. The system SVN continued to work (probably because it lacks support for the KDE or Gnome wallet applications?). In my case, removal of the offending wallet application from the config file (~/.subversion/config) solved the problem for me and I did not further research the topic: ### Section for authentication and authorization customizations. [auth] ### Set password stores used by Subversion. They should be ### delimited by spaces or commas. The order of values determines ### the order in which password stores are used. ### Valid password stores: ### gnome-keyring (Unix-like systems) ### kwallet (Unix-like systems) ### keychain (Mac OS X) ### windows-cryptoapi (Windows) # password-stores = gnome-keyring,kwallet password-stores = gnome-keyring In your case, removal of gnome-keyring should get you going again. (I had not working X11 at the time of this issue, and therefore could not check, whether a start of KDE after installation of the svn-1.8.10 port might have resolved the issue ...) > I already tried to recompile the whole port and prerequisits and also > deleted it and reinstalled devel/subversion - no success. Somehow I > think the system is polluted by some weird config file I've overseen (I > also deleted my .subversion folder). I looked up the routine that checks compatibility, but ran out of time. It is in the svn sources but I did not keep note of the file and function that emits the error message. And since the above change to the config file made the problem disappear (and there were no other reports on the mail lists), I lost interest in analyzing the root cause. > Does anybody has any idea? Please try with only kwallet or no external password store defined in the config file. You may also check, whether starting SVN with gnome-keyring active will fix the issue. I'm not sure, whether this version check is new in 1.8.9, or why it never before caused problems for me - but again, I do not have time for research ... Best regards, STefan _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""