On 08/31/2014 12:50 AM, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> Hi!
>> The update is mostly some small changes to the code to eliminate clang++
>> and recent g++ warnings along with Eric's typo, which has been
>> languishing for a while.   I know it's a small thing, but seeing those
>> warnings when I compile the port makes me sad.  Obviously you guys can
>> reject if you don't feel it's worth it.
> Well, it's always nice to check process and procedures while it's
> not time-critical 8-}
> And you are right, the porters handbook still mentions send-pr.
> There is one thing which is very nice to have for an incoming PR:
> poudriere test logs that prove that the updated port builds cleanly.
> If you never used poudriere, have a look at this short starter guide:
> https://fossil.etoilebsd.net/poudriere/doc/trunk/doc/using_testport.wiki
>> That changes the port diff, of course.  The new one is attached, or I
>> can update bugzilla.
> Always update bugzilla (says the guy who preferres mail...)
>> Sorry to bug you if it's too trivial a change.
> No, it's fine. I guess I would only release new versions if runtime bugs
> or runtime functionality changes. You also updated the autotools
> environment, maybe that fixes other stuff as well.
> You re-rolled the distfile without a version change, this is not
> purrrfect, but well, what else is 8-)
Thanks for all your help.  I see that the update went through.  Next
time I'll include the pourdriere logs.


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