
On 8/25/14, 12:43 PM, John Marino wrote:
On 8/25/2014 18:40, zlopi wrote:
many of my friends use sams 1.0.5 (www / sams) - but not so long
ago it was deleted. Previously stated that it requires php 4 - because
of what was deleted. I tested to optimize it for php 5.4 and mysql
5.5. Therefore I would like to get it back - if it is possible.

It was relayed that PHP 5.3 is the last PHP that runs sams correctly,
thus it's not coming back.

www/sams2 was specifically brought in to replace www/sams.  I encourage
you to use that instead.  It works with the latest PHP.

Not for nothing, but since PHP 5.3 is still in the ports tree, then why delete ports that depend on it? I know PHP 5.3 has now reached EOL, but there is probably still a fair amount of legacy code which breaks with PHP 5.4. I'm not advocating using it, but some people have no choice. If people want it in the ports tree and they understand the risks, shouldn't it be their choice?

Jim Ohlstein

"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." - Mark Twain
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