El día Saturday, August 23, 2014 a las 02:16:13PM -0500, Bryan Drewery escribió:

> >> Once a solution is found we need it for java/openjdk* as well since they
> >> use all ram in the system. On our package builders this is 96GB. We need
> >> to be able to limit how much they can use for building so they only have
> >> a few GB and not 96.
> >>
> > 
> > For FreeBSD >= 9.x rctl can be a solution to limit jail resources.
> > Unluckily it seems that RACCT/RCTL it not a default kernel option and also 
> > not a loadable module ...
> > http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security-resourcelimits.html#idp72352048
> > 
> > 
> Yes rctl is something I have considered adding into the build systems to
> integrate with poudriere. It would be perfect for this use. However it
> is not default because of the same reason I likely won't use it. It adds
> a lot of overhead with PROC_LOCKS.

Reading the handbook, I understand how rctl could help to terminate some
proc (or log it, or do signaling); but I do not see how rctl could help
to get eclipse being built.

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