Greg Lewis <> wrote
  in <>:

gl> After the TeXLive 2014 update a number of the tex related ports won't
gl> build.  An example is print/tex-aleph.  It currently dies like this:
gl> Transcript written on lamed.log.
gl> fmtutil: 
gl> /bin/rm -f 
gl> /bin/rmdir 
/usr/ports/print/tex-aleph/work/stage/usr/local/share/texmf-dist/web2c || true
gl> ====> Compressing man pages (compress-man)
gl> ====> Running Q/A tests (stage-qa)
gl> Error: 'share/texmf-var/web2c/aleph/aleph.log' is referring to 
gl> Error: 'share/texmf-var/web2c/aleph/lamed.log' is referring to 
gl> *** Error code 1
gl> There are a number of other ports in the same boat.  In this case, and
gl> others where the errors are regarding log files, the errors are spurious.
gl> We shouldn't even install these log files since they serve no purpose and
gl> are just artifacts of the build.
gl> For other ports (e.g. japanese/tex-ptex) the errors seem much more serious:
gl> Error: 'share/texmf-var/web2c/euptex/uplatex.fmt' is referring to 
gl> In this case the .fmt files are a needed file for things to work.
gl> I haven't yet looked into how to possibly fix these.  Can others reproduce?

 This is reproducible and has also been filed as PR 192933.  I am
 wondering if I should fix this and how to do it if should.  I agree
 that it is better to fix them if possible, but it is harmless in this
 case and difficult to properly fix it.

 foo.fmt and foo.log which are generated for a TeX format "foo".  They
 contain ${STAGEDIR} because they are processed within the directory,
 but they are just recorded, not used as pathname.  Although we can
 replace the pathnames by using sed(1) in foo.log since it is a plain
 text, it is difficult for foo.fmt.

 One way to fix it is to run fmtutil after necessary texmf files
 installed.  However, .fmt file generation in ${STAGEDIR} is
 friendlier with packaging and safer in terms of possible failures
 (i.e. errors can be detected before installing).

 For whether installing .log file or not, I intentionally installed
 them because the output is required for diagnostic purpose.  Building
 a .fmt can be screwed up in various ways without compile-time error
 even if taking countermeasures, and it is difficult to detect
 malformed one without .log.

-- Hiroki

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