On 19/08/2014 13:26, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:> hi there,
> tinderbox is unable to build more-or-less complex ports for couple of days
> now; both for 8.4/pkg_tools and 9.3/pkgng: it quietly exits with no
> produced and no logs generated, except build/<build-name>/make.0 that
> always like this (modulo list of dependent packages, can be longer):
> `python27-2.7.8_3.txz' is up to date.
> `gettext-' is up to date.
> `libiconv-1.14_3.txz' is up to date.
> `indexinfo-0.2.txz' is up to date.
> make: Graph cycles through `py27-pylib-1.4.20.txz'
> make: Graph cycles through `py27-setuptools27-5.5.1.txz'
> `pkgconf-0.9.6_1.txz' is up to date.
> `pkg-1.3.6.txz' is up to date.
> On stable/8, make(1) falls into endless loop, repeating these lines all
> over again untill it dies via sig11.
> Can it be related to the recent Python framework overhaul?  Any ideas how
> to remedy the situation?  Thanks,
> ./danfe

This was mentioned earlier on the tinderbox list ---

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: "Graph cycles through" in devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:47:26 +0930
From: Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz>
To: Tomoyuki Sakurai <tomoyu...@reallyenglish.com>,
"tinderbox-l...@marcuscom.com" <tinderbox-l...@marcuscom.com>

On 13/08/2014 16:41, Tomoyuki Sakurai wrote:
> hi,
> just fyi, tinderbox users. devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements has a
> circular dependency on p5-CPAN-Meta. any port depending on
> p5-CPAN-Meta, munin-node in my case, cannot be built on tinderbox. the
> build silently fails as if there was no error.
> this will hit you hard if you build your packages and assume no error
> means no problem.
> a work around is commenting out TEST_DEPENDS line in
> devel/p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements/Makefile.

I'm getting circular dependencies with python ports too.

Comment out the TEST_DEPENDS in devel/py-setuptools/Makefile to stop it
for now.

I think this started with changing USE_PYTHON to USES=python possibly
same for perl. Maybe mixing the two is the issue.

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