On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 05:35:03AM +0200, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
> Hi,
> the issue:
> for www/magento there is a sample data package. I'd like to make a port
> for it, but the sample data overwrites a few files in the www/magento
> port's installed files to match the sample theme.
> This is OK and needed. But I don't know how to tell pkg this.
> I can make the sample data an option in the magento port and keep it in
> one port, but this would put a large burdon on maintaining the pkg-plist
> on upgrades as sample-data is only updated when backwards incompatible
> changes are made to the core that make the older sample data unusable.
> So I prefer to maintain it as a separate port.
There is a problem if that is how the port works. If magento expect some data to
be replaced changed etc then it should not be tracked by the package to avoid an
upgrade of the package to overwrite the user special version which is why pkg(8)
has a strong hold on which files belongs to which package.

So I think magento should be fixed in that regard. otherwise there is the
PERMISSIVE options for pkg(8) but this is really really not recommanded to use.
The best is again to fix the magento port so it allows the normal use cases.


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