On 7/29/2014 10:46 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> On 07/28/14 20:28, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I was forced to switch to pkgng on a 9.2 box and I'm now noticing a
>> strange behaviour.
>> Before, "pkg_deinstall -R foo" would deinstall foo and all ports on
>> which foo depended, except those who were needed by other ports.
>> Now, "pkg_deinstall -R foo" will deinstall foo, all ports on which foo
>> depends and all ports depending on the ports on which foo depends.
>> E.g.
>> Port A depends on B
>> Port B depends on C
>> Port D depends on C
>> With the old behaviour, "pkg_deinstall -R A" would deinstall A and B
>> (but not C).
>> Now it will deinstall A, B, C and D.
> After some investigation, this broke after the upgrade to pkg 1.3, in
> which *by default* "pkg delete" seems to be the same as "pkg delete -R".

Yes, pkg now requires -f to have the old behavior. I'll update
portupgrade for it.

> From what I can tell, there is no flags to "pkg delete" which makes it
> act as it used to and as portupgrade expects, so I cannot easily fix it.
> I found the previous behaviour very useful, but if it's gone I'll try
> and (sadly) live with it.
> However I think this is a serious bug: someone might light heartedly
> issue a "pkg_deinstall foo" and expect two or three ports being deleted,
> while in fact it could now deinstall more than half of the installed ports.
> At the very least, an entry in UPDATING should warn about this!!!
> Just my 2c.
>  bye
>     av.

Bryan Drewery

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