On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 09:57:44PM +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Adrian Chadd <adr...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > 3) The binary packages need to work out of the box
> > 4) .. which means, when you do things like pkg install apache, it
> > can't just be installed and not be enabled, because that's a bit of a
> > problem;
> >
> I disagree on this. For network services on linux ( apart from ssh ), I
> want that started very seldom. But I do want the package installed so that
> when I need it, it is there. Having it autostart as part of being installed
> is breaking KISS and in some way unix philosophy: I asked for something to
> be installed, not installed and autostarted.
> > 5) .. and then we need examples of actually deploying useful
> > scenarios, like "so here's what you type to get django working right",
> > "here's how you get a default memcached that works well", "here's how
> > you bring up node.js", etc.
> >
> Oh yes. I think that quite a few packages have default options that make
> them unsuitable for out-of-box usage, ie some lack the sane default
> dbi-stuff and so on.
Reporting them is very much needed, we try to change this but without report it
is hard, as much as I can I use vanilla packages now, and I discovered that they
are now pretty much sane, a few example has been found and modified recently
like nginx not supporting https by default, so do not hesitate to report any
unsuitable options for out-of-box usage.


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