On 12/07/2014 9:12 AM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> Now that OpenBSD has released LibreSSL, can someone port it? And maybe try
> putting it into head? I'd love to see OpenSSL gone yesterday.
> The initial portable LibreSSL is available from
> http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/LibreSSL. Note that the OpenBSD folks
> say that this release is intended for testing and evealuation, so it is not
> a candidate for any stable or release, but it does build on FreeBSD.
> Yes, if I get some time today or tomorrow, I'll try to write up a port, but
> I'm still far from comfortable with the new porting stuff, so it will
> likely take longer that I'd like. Others can probably knock it out in
> nothing flat.
Thanks for sharing Kevin.  I found this a compelling paper justifying
the libressl effort and seeking community involvement. (For the time
poor, start at page/slide 7)
As an aspiration, Libressl is expected in Openbsd 5.6; 5.5 was released
on 1st May, 2014.
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