Greetings porters,

in case some of you are not into social networks: please find hereafter
a post that was published on portmgr's blog which talks about the good
figures we saw in last month's dashboard. I believe it is important to
share those promising figures with all of you guys who are interested in
FreeBSD's ports tree.

Many thanks to all for your time and dedication!



Thursday morning, 5 AM, I couldn't sleep. I thought I could use the time before
work to do something useful, so I started handling a few PRs for FreeBSD.  After
a couple of commits, a warm shower, and just before heading to work, I quickly
browsed through my irc backlog and suddently got very sad: someone was angrily
asking why bug reports were being ignored for such a long time, pushing for his
own PR to finally be given some consideration.

Thinking about it in the bus to work I realized that this guy was right to
complain: when a bug is reported it should ideally be fixed right away. Still I
was feeling sad because being on the other side of the fence I know how much
dedication volunteers put into FreeBSD, but I was not sure everybody was aware
of this. I had to find something to express this dedication.

That's how the idea of the monthly dashboard came: simple figures that can tell
a whole story. See for yourself with this dashboard that can be found in portmgr
monthly report for June 2014:

Monthly dashboard

Number of messages to portmgr@:   564 (+53%)
Number of commits on ports:     3,717 (+17%)
Number of ports PRs closed:       873 (+25%)
Active ports committers:          147 (+10%)

Isn't it amazing? Nearly 4,000 updates on the ports tree and nearly 900 problem
reports closed in a single month!

That's a tremendous amount of work done by our committers. Take Linux for
example: with more than twice as much contributors during the same period four
times less commits were applied to the Linux kernel than to the FreeBSD ports
tree [1].

Those figures pay tribute to our committers, and I am pleased to see that the
activity keeps growing. I personnally believe there has never been a better time
to start contributing to the FreeBSD ports tree with all those new features
currently being introduced. So come and join the party!

[1] Statistics taken from
962 commits done by 344 contributors (activity recorded from Jun 9 2014 to Jul 9
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