On 3 Jun 2014, at 13:09, Vitaly Magerya <vmage...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It doesn't seem to be possible to post comments (or bugs) without creating an 
> account and logging in.

That is correct.  The current leaning is towards not providing such 
functionality as:

- It makes spamming easy

- If someone can't be bothered to make an account, they are unlikely to provide 
the feedback required to correctly diagnose the bug.

I don't know that this decision is final, but it's certainly unlikely to be 
high up the priority list to implement it.  For FreeBSD 11, we'd like to have 
an HTTP-based send-pr replacement, which will not be able to enforce a valid 
email address, but which will at least request one.  Although, again, we'll 
have to be careful to prevent it from being used as a spam tool (send a pr 
claiming to be from a different email address with a spam message and that 
person gets notified) and so it will likely add the bug to a private queue 
where it can be checked for spam before appearing in the main db.  Volunteers 
to be spam filters welcome...

> No comment-by-email too, as far as I can tell.

This is probably going to reappear at some point, if there is sufficient demand 
for it.


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