On 05/17/2014 12:00 PM, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen wrote:
> I am trying to make the port math/octave-forge-miscellaneous clang
> compliant.  In the file ${WRKSRC}/partarray.cc is are lines like this:
>   Array<octave_idx_type> bidc [maxdims], eidc [maxdims];
>   ... stuff ...
>           eidc[i] = eidx;
> The compilation dies saying that eidc is not defined.

I see the problem.  The compiler actually goes wrong with

  Array<octave_idx_type> bidc [maxdims];


partarray.cc:42:31: error: variable length array of non-POD element type

So the error is somewhere else.  Sorry for the noise.  But if I don't
figure out the latter error, I'll be back with more questions.
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