>On 12/05/2014 18:36, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> I'm updating devel/robodoc to staging.
>> As suggested on the wiki page,
>> env DEVELOPER=3Dyes make stage && make check-plist && make package
>> runs fine, no issues.
>> However, portlint -A reports:
>> # portlint -A
>> WARN: /usr/ports/devel/robodoc/pkg-plist: Both ``%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%D=
>OCSDIR%%'' and ``%%PORTDOCS%%@unexec %D/%%DOCSDIR%% 2>/dev/null || true''=
> are missing.  At least one should be used.
>> I have in pkg-plist:
>> bin/robodoc
>> bin/robohdrs
>> man/man1/robodoc.1.gz
>> man/man1/robohdrs.1.gz
>> %%DOCSDIR%%/ChangeLog
>> %%DOCSDIR%%/manual.css
>> %%DOCSDIR%%/manual.html
>> %%DOCSDIR%%/robodoc_example.rc
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box.pm
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box/RectangularBox.pm
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box/SquareBox.pm
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Cargo.txt
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Loader.txt
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/SmartLoader.pm
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/TruckPacker.pl
>> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/robodoc.rc
>> @dirrmtry %%DOCSDIR%%
>> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box
>> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source
>> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample
>> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
>> What's the problem?
>> As recommended on the wiki page I made
>> the docs and examples non-optional, because
>> they are very small.
>portlint results are guidelines: if there's a good reason to do things
>in a way that portlint complains about, then go right ahead.  However,
>you may have to justify your choices and persuade a committer to commit
>as is.
>Given you're installing some docs and examples, I'd add support for
>making them optional, even if they are pretty neglible in size.  It's
>probably better for your port to behave in-line with other ports even if
>not doing that is a reasonable choice.
>Enabling DOCS and EXAMPLES in your port is pretty simple.  You need to
>add %%PORTDOCS%% and %%PORTEXAMPLES%% to the appropriate lines in
>pkg-plist and add
>to the Makefile if you want them to show up in an options dialogue.

still the same:

# cat pkg-plist 
%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrmtry %%DOCSDIR%%
%%PORTEXAMPLES%%@dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box
%%PORTEXAMPLES%%@dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source
%%PORTEXAMPLES%%@dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample

# portlint -A
WARN: /usr/ports/devel/robodoc/pkg-plist: Both ``%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm 
%%DOCSDIR%%'' and ``%%PORTDOCS%%@unexec %D/%%DOCSDIR%% 2>/dev/null || true'' 
are missing.  At least one should be used.

I guess the issue is about dirrm vs dirrmtry ?



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