On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Thierry Thomas <thie...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> In the new versions of french/aster, there is this piece of Linux code:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>     static char filename[80];
>     static char sbuf[1024];
>     char* S;
>     int fd, num_read;
>     long lmem;
>     pid_t numpro;
>     pid_t getpid(void);
>     numpro = getpid();
>     sprintf(filename, "/proc/%ld/status", (long)numpro);
>     fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
>     if (fd==-1) return -1;
>     num_read=read(fd,sbuf,(sizeof sbuf)-1);
>     close(fd);
>     S=strstr(sbuf,"VmData:")+8;
>     val[0] = (INTEGER)atoi(S);
>     S=strstr(sbuf,"VmSize:")+8;
>     val[1] = (INTEGER)atoi(S);
>     if ( strstr(sbuf,"VmPeak:") != NULL ) {
>         S=strstr(sbuf,"VmPeak:")+8;
>         val[2] = atoi(S);
>     } else {
>         val[2] = -1 ;
>     }
>     S=strstr(sbuf,"VmRSS:")+7;
>     val[3] = (INTEGER)atoi(S);
>     S=strstr(sbuf,"VmStk:")+7;
>     lmem = atoi(S);
>     return lmem ;
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Of course, it does'nt work on FreeBSD, because our status has a
> different structure.
> As a quick & dirty work-around, I patched it to replace /proc by
> /compat/linux/proc and it works. Unfortunately, this is not a good
> solution, because this port is no more packageable (this piece of code
> is run at the end of the build).
> It's why I'm looking for help here: does somebody knows how the
> corresponding values of these Vm... can be found in FreeBSD?

You could try reading the source for linprocfs to see how it gets those values:



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