Hello, Ports.

 STAGEd ports doesn't support MANx=-style man paged. Man pages should be
simply added to pkg-plist or PLIST_FILES.

 But here is a catch: some ports, which uses "bsd.*.mk" infrastructure by
 thmeselves ("net/mpd5" is one example) will not build & install man pages
 if world has WITHOUT_MAN=yes in /etc/src.conf!

 Now, for example, poudiere could not build package of "net/mpd5" if it uses
 trimmed jail build with WITHOUT_MAN=yes.

 How this could be fixed? Ports infrastructure doesn't read /etc/src.conf...

 BTW, it WORKED before "net/mpd5" was STAGEfieid! I don't know why, but
 specifying man page via MAN8 variable works in both cases (full world and
 man-less world) and poudriere disin't complain in such situation. But it
 doesn't work for STAGEfied port :(

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

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