Thank you, all.

Weird thing - I had a thought that I could verify what was happening by
replacing texttops with pdftops. So I did that, and it printed, then looked
at the log files, and it was no longer using texttops. So I put the files
back where they came from, and it kept working.

So it fixed itself somehow - there weren't any updates that I knew of....

On 9 April 2014 13:30, Naram Qashat <> wrote:

> On 04/08/14 07:08, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>> 08.04.2014 13:55, Patrick Lamaiziere пишет:
>>> Le Tue, 8 Apr 2014 14:05:00 +1000,
>>> Robert Backhaus <> a écrit :
>>>    I've got a printing problem with the new cups.
>>> I've got a similar problem with cups 1.7 and a Lexmark T640
>>> using the foomatic filters. I've to use Generic Postcript printer to
>>> make it works again.
>>> That worked fine with cups 1.5. With 1.7 the printer prints nothing.
>>> I guess something is broken.
>> Anything suspicious at /var/log/messages, /var/log/cups/*?
>> OS version and which cups / foomatic ports are installed?
> Something that I think needs to be brought up. It appears that since CUPS
> 1.6.x, cups-filters is required for it to work with most printers. Since we
> are now on 1.7.1, that means that print/cups-filters should also be
> installed. I ran into the same problem with my printer after the upgrade
> and installing cups-filters fixed it. I even put in an update for
> print/cups-filters just yesterday (trying to take over maintainership of
> it). I don't know if this means that print/cups-filters should be made into
> a libdepends on cups-base or not. My gut feeling is that it probably
> should, though, if CUPS is now "useless" without it.
> Thanks,
> Naram Qashat
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