Yes, sorry. I found that I don't have time for such software. I now
using transmission client instead rtorrent. Since even I tried many
patches from other distros.. they not worked for me and upstream
"almost" dead.

As about why dependency so strict.
rtorrent needs in library libtorrent
rtorrent needs in library libtorrent-devel

For example rtorrent binary can fail to work with
 - old library.
 - library from another port. (-devel).
Since library version never changes thats why it in build_depends.
That's what I know.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Kenta S. <> wrote:
> On 03/10/2014 at 10:36 PM, "Gerald Pfeifer" <> wrote:
>>This looks really weird in net-p2p/rtorrent/Makefile:
>>   BUILD_DEPENDS= libtorrent=0.13.2_1:${PORTSDIR}/net-
>>   RUN_DEPENDS=        libtorrent=0.13.2_1:${PORTSDIR}/net-p2p/libtorrent
>>I have never seen such a crazy dependency before.  Try making this
>>_2 instead of _1, but, really, this is crazy.
>>Andrej, any idea?
>>Why is this not checking for  And a LIB_DEPENDS
>>Something like
>>   LIB_DEPENDS=${PORTSDIR}/net-p2p/libtorrent
> I don't think this port is very well put together. The maintainer before az@
> was very bad at updating or fixing it. I see az@ has recently abandoned it
> too, so now we have no maintainer. :(
> I tried this change to the Makefile and now it works properly, thanks.
> --- /tmp/Makefile       2014-03-10 22:45:57.000000000 -0400
> +++ Makefile    2014-03-10 22:46:43.000000000 -0400
> @@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
>  COMMENT=       BitTorrent Client written in C++
> -BUILD_DEPENDS= libtorrent=0.13.2_1:${PORTSDIR}/net-p2p/libtorrent
> -RUN_DEPENDS=   libtorrent=0.13.2_1:${PORTSDIR}/net-p2p/libtorrent
> +LIB_DEPENDS=${PORTSDIR}/net-p2p/libtorrent \
> +     ${PORTSDIR}/ftp/curl
>  CONFLICTS=     rtorrent-devel-[0-9]*
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