On 2014-01-29 18:55, s!mon roy wrote:
> Hi,
> When's the release of Apache 2.4.7 planed for FreeBSD ports?
> I also want to thank you for maintaining!
> KRs,
> Simon

Hi Simon,

the upgrade is planned together with the release of apr-1.5.1.

One important point from the apache-2.4.7 Changelog.
  *) APR 1.5.0 or later is now required for the event MPM.

However, apr-1.5.0 has some issues on FreeBSD 10 (hanging)
that are fixed in the upcoming apr-1.5.1

Users running on FreeBSD 10 are welcome to test the fixes
included in the upcoming apr-1.5.1.

Just send a test request to the apache@FreeBSD list and I
will shape a patch ;)

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