On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:10:49 +0100
Dag-Erling Smørgrav <d...@des.no> wrote:

> Rainer Hurling <rhur...@gwdg.de> writes:
> > In the meantime, the author of fotoxx, Michael Cornelison, answered
> > to me two times. Mike confirms, that the file is fetchable from
> > different Linux systems and that in his eyes, there is no problem
> > with reported and de facto file length.
> >
> > Trying to load fotoxx-14.01.1.tar.gz via ftp/wget seems to work
> > without problems and gives me a file length of 2696186 (!) bytes.
> >
> > So I am irritated which file length is right and what's going on
> > here ...
> What's going on is that the server accepts persistent connections but
> does not have a request timeout set, so libfetch, due to an unexpected
> interaction between multiple buffering layers, hangs waiting for more
> data while the server hangs waiting for the next request; then
> libfetch times out and doesn't notice that it already received
> exactly the amount of data it expected.  Most servers have very short
> request timeouts, so they close the connection while libfetch is
> waiting, which libfetch interprets as an EOF (which is an expected
> condition as long as it received all the data it wanted) as opposed
> to a timeout (which is an error).  Anyway, it was fixed in head in
> r261230.

Thank you.

Michael Gmelin
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