Forgot to mention and aegis in almost every case implements the very same
features in a much smoother way (no stupid http bs or anything)

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Aryeh Friedman <>wrote:

> If it is so new then why when I looked into git and git hub for the first
> time about 2 years ago it didn't have a *SINGLE* feature that aegis didn't
> have in the mid-90's... all it is a bunch or pretty pictures to make those
> who are addicted to newness be able to claim they are actually making
> progress with their "newness" when in fact they are reinvinting the wheel
> for the 15th time
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Alfred Perlstein <>wrote:
>> On 1/26/14 10:21 AM, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
>>> just do us a favor and do not assume newer means better...
>> I've been using newer almost exclusively for the past several years and
>> it is better.
>> Open your eyes, people have moved on.
>> -Alfred
>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Alfred Perlstein <
>>> >wrote:
>>>    On 1/26/14 5:25 AM, Big Lebowski wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 4:20 AM, Jim Ohlstein <> wrote:
>>>>  Hello,
>>>>> On 1/25/14, 9:04 PM, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
>>>>>  On 1/25/14 3:48 PM, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
>>>>>>  On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Yuri <> wrote:
>>>>>>>   On 01/25/2014 14:44, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
>>>>>>>>   The key seems to be that no one has time to do the stuff they
>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>> to do (get new ports into the system)... to that end automating
>>>>>>>>> everything
>>>>>>>>> that can be automated is sure help free up comitter time so they
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>> at what is interesting
>>>>>>>>>   Yes. I just can't imagine any generic port tests that can't be
>>>>>>>> automated
>>>>>>>> and coded into the script once and for good.
>>>>>>>> Ideal system should be like github with the added automated testing
>>>>>>>> between pull request submission and merge. It should either fail and
>>>>>>>> notify
>>>>>>>> the submitter, or succeed and notify the committers.
>>>>>>>>   Git hup (or *ANY* remote service for that matter) is a no go IMO
>>>>>>> You just don't get it.
>>>>>> Again, you just really, really, don't get it.
>>>>>> You WANT a gateway to a remote service that the project does not have
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> handle.
>>>>>> Why?  Because then we offload the problem to another org.
>>>>>> The FreeBSD project should be about innovation in OS design, platform
>>>>>> and software.  Ops work is bunk and just slows us down.
>>>>>> The more we can outsource the better we'll be.  (and what if that
>>>>>> service blows up?  well we move on!  it's simple!)
>>>>>> Continuing to insist that we run the services ourselves it just
>>>>>> wasting
>>>>>> our limited resources.  Not only that but we get emotionally attached
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> technologies that are old, dying and dead when off the shelf stuff
>>>>>> works
>>>>>> just fine.
>>>>>>    I've read all 60 or so messages in this thread and there really
>>>>> are two
>>>>> related but distinct issues here.
>>>>> The thread title is "What is the problem with ports PR reaction
>>>>> delays?".
>>>>> This has meandered into a philosophical debate about who knows what
>>>>> and who
>>>>> knows squat about version control systems, whether we need to maintain
>>>>> certain requirements, testing ports, etc.
>>>>> I like the KISS approach myself. This can be boiled down to those two
>>>>> issues, one of which is a symptom of the other. Arguing and debating
>>>>> over a
>>>>> long term solution to the OP's question does nothing to solve the
>>>>> problem
>>>>> in the short to intermediate term. There are 1680 current ports related
>>>>> PR's at this moment.
>>>>> As we all know, the committers are volunteers, mostly with real jobs
>>>>> and
>>>>> real lives and they obviously cannot keep up with the current load. The
>>>>> short to medium term solution for that is more committers. I'll add my
>>>>> name
>>>>> to the list of those who are willing to step in and help to clean up
>>>>> the
>>>>> mess. I'm certain that if a request went out, there would be many who
>>>>> are
>>>>> more qualified than I.
>>>>> At the same time, a group of interested individuals should offer input
>>>>> to
>>>>> the folks who already are looking at changing the bug reporting system
>>>>> away
>>>>> from gnats -
>>>>> Doing it in one fell swoop might make sense. It's "ripping off the
>>>>> bandaid"
>>>>> but I'd rather do it only once myself.
>>>>> What does *not* make sense is a new port for what might be a very
>>>>> useful
>>>>> tool waiting since September for someone to look at it. Arguing over
>>>>> git
>>>>> and subversion et alia does nothing to fix that. As they say on the
>>>>> ESPN
>>>>> NFL pregame show, "C'mon man!".
>>>>   I can't agree more. I can see, understand and accept reasons why we
>>>> cant
>>>> move from SVN to GitHub/Git and I certainly dont think that it would be
>>>> solution to current problems. It seems like this is not neccessary, it
>>>> wont
>>>> happen, so I think we can end that discussion here. However, we do have
>>>> all
>>>> the tools to automate this process, so I really dont understand why not
>>>> to
>>>> do this, especially it is perfectly doable with SVN, Redports are
>>>> already
>>>> doing so, and there are people willing to work on it.
>>>> Thanks Big Lebowski <> <>!
>>>> I'm not sure if taking your word for it will be the be all and end all
>>>> of
>>>> progress on this issue.  I do have hope, after all as Max Planck said:
>>>> "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and
>>>> making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually
>>>> die,
>>>> and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
>>>> I just have my fingers cross that we are not so insular, so heels dug
>>>> deep
>>>> in the dirt, and so curmudgeonly that we drive away anyone interested in
>>>> new technology.
>>>> I mean, if we're all so firm in our beliefs there are dozens of other
>>>> open
>>>> source projects that encourage new things that people will flock to.
>>>> -Alfred
> --
> Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,
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