On 25 Jan 2014, at 00:47, John Marino <freebsd.cont...@marino.st> wrote:
>> On 1/25/2014 01:36, Big Lebowski wrote:
>> I was hoping to get some discussion revealing how the work is organized
>> around ports PR, perhaps some ideas on improving them and I hoped that
>> people who can make decisions and changes would notice it and consider
>> them, since as they say, the squeeky wheel gets the grease, that's all. At
>> no point I insisted on forcing anyone to anything, and I dont think that's
>> neither only nor a viable solution.
>> It seems obvious that current process doesnt work very well, then I'd aim
>> at reorganizing that process - it appears that there is no roles specified,
>> so the responsibility is blurred, and when everyone is responsible for one
>> thing, in practice no one is. Perhaps role assignment could be of any help?
> I'm not trying to be a jerk, but surely I'm coming off that way.
> Again, nobody is obligated to accept any assignment.  They have to
> volunteer to do it.  The only person that The Big Lebowski can influence
> here is himself.
> Thus, are you volunteering for this role?  

That's a role I would happily volunteer to do. 

> It's not my call, but if you
> really want to do clean out and triage the all PRs on an ongoing basis,
> my guess is that would be very welcome and we'd figure out a way to set
> that up.  It would definitely help, especially for those maintainer that
> "approve" patches but the PRs never get opened (or set to a better state
> than "open").

Perhaps triage of all new (and existing PRs until caught up) is the way to go. 

> At some point we'll have a new PR system, that fact might be having an
> impact on current PRs 


Gary J. Hayers 

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