> I think you've got me wrong - I am following freebsd-virtualization list
> very closely, and the matter I've touched here is not my doubt on which
> technology I should use, but rather a complaint on the state of jails
> related tools directly leading to the delays in handling of ports related
> PR's. I know the technology alternatives, I am decided to jails for a
> reason, and I also know your work on the web interface focusing on bhyve,
> but its not about it.

My point is writing scripts for VM's is easier (nothing more then copy the
master and then do a normal make install/portmaster on the port of you
choice [better to run them one at a time I have found).  When I get into
port testing I usually have 3 VM's on the host working on compiling and 1
for development.   I have yet to find a good way to have 4 jails running as

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer, http://www.PetiteCloud.org
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