On 15/11/2013 00:54, Eitan Adler wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Jaap Akkerhuis <jaa...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> On Nov 14, 2013, at 8:30, Erwin Lansing <er...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> That sounds like an excellent idea.  I'm just a bit worried about
>>> spreading the information over too many places, and would rather split
>>> content from logic and add these to pkg-descr as well next to the
>>> current WWW.  I know we're not consistent already with things like
>>> COMMENT and LICENSE already in the Makefile, so won't ojbect too much to
>>> where these end up.
>> Apart from spreading this information into to many places (pkg_desc seams
>> a proper place to have such information), why have the Makefile double up
>> as a database?
> pkg_descr is free form.  Makefiles are parsable (make -V).

pkg_descr is only as free-form as we define it to be.  It's a lot
quicker to parse out the WWW entry from pkg_descr than it is to run
'make -V' to extract values from port Makefiles.  That's because make
includes and parses a whole stack of different files from /usr/ports/Mk
and elsewhere and does a bunch of other processing -- takes about 200ms
per port just to print out the variables used in the INDEX.

So, unless the variable is needed as part of the build process for a
port putting it in pkg_decr makes sense to me.  This could include some
well-known values like MAINTAINER if we want to go that far.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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