On 27/10/2013 18:53, Axel Rau wrote:
> I looked at poudriere earlier, but did not recognize that it plays with pkg 
> nicely and also did not like to set up a web server to just serve local jails.
> I will give it a try.

You don't need to set up a webserver, necessarily.  If you're using
poudriere to build packages on the same machine where you want to
install them, then you can just use a file:// URL in your pkg.conf and
pkg will dtrt.  If you want to maintain a bunch of machines on a
network, then using a webserver to distribute the packages is probably
easiest overall, but you could NFS mount the repo and use a file:// URL
again, or you could use ssh:// to pull the packages down.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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