On Tue, Oct 15, 2013, at 13:52, Nicolas Raspail wrote:
> Hi
> I just have seen that the news/nzbget port has been updated (fixing bug 
> ports/182867). So I think someone can close the bugs ports/177669 and 
> ports/180832 .
> I have noted some things in the Makefile :
>    * I don't see any reference to python, but the new version 11.0 
> provides postinstall scripts written in Python
>    * the configure argument "--enable-sigchld-handler " is still 
> present, but from the developer, "since revision r712 (before the 
> release of the 11.0 version) --enable-sigchld-handler shouldn't be 
> necessary anymore on 64-Bit BSD. But instead --disable-sigchld-handler 
> is needed on 32-Bit BSD". I have removed this line from the Makefile, 
> recompile the port, install it, download a file and the postinstall 
> scripts terminate successfully.
>    * if you copy /usr/local/share/nzbget/nzbget.conf to 
> /usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf, WebDir and ConfigTemplate will be defined 
> with correct paths
>    * Maybe we can add two options to install unrar/rar and 7zip

I've started using it recently and noticed these issues. I'll look into
those PRs.
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