INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-8 - please wait.. Done.
make_index: ruby19-sdl-1.3.1_8: no entry for /usr/ports/graphics/ruby-opengl

Committers on the hook:
 culot danilo lwhsu olivierd tabthorpe 

Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
U    devel/jenkins/Makefile
U    devel/jenkins/distinfo
U    devel/p5-Test-CheckDeps/Makefile
U    devel/p5-Test-CheckDeps/distinfo
U    devel/p5-Test-Harness/pkg-plist
U    devel/p5-Test-Harness/Makefile
U    devel/p5-Test-Harness/distinfo
Updated to revision 330060.
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