On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 20:43:11 +0300
Vitaly Magerya <vmage...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/17/2013 10:29, Matthieu Volat wrote:
> > Just as a side note : I tested the devd backend and mouse & keyboard were 
> > detected.
> > But what would be the best way to set the keyboard layout now?
> You should add something like this to your xorg.conf:
>     Section "InputClass"
>         Identifier "All The Keyboards"
>         MatchDevicePath "/dev/*kbd*"
>         Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru"
>         <-- any other kbd(4) options here -->
>     EndSection
> (Warning: not tested).
> This should work with any backend, be it HAL or DEVD; see "INPUTCLASS"
> section of xorg.conf man page for details on how it works.

Thanks, I was not aware of this section type which seems to be definitively the 
way to go.

It is indeed working with hal based configuration (after removing the bits from 
hal config), but not so much with the devd backend.

First of all, with a quite bare configuration file (no ServerFlags options), I 
do have the following messages in log file:
[  8342.054] (==) Not automatically adding devices
[  8342.054] (==) Not automatically enabling devices

Strangely, keyboard and mouse are added, with default settings,
ignoring InputClass settings. If I force AutoAddDevices and
AutoEnableDevices, these messages are switched to confirm devices will be 
searched and enabled... Except that I don't have keyboard/mouse in this case.

If it can help, here's my xorg.conf :

Matthieu Volat <ma...@alkumuna.eu>

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