2013/9/14 SpamMePlease PleasePlease <spankthes...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I am writing new port that compiles and installs huge number of Erlang
> libraries. Everythig is working fine until there's a need of deinstallation
> or to make package - the problem is that the user might have older Erlang
> version (for example, coming from ports unpacked during installation from a
> cd) and when compiled with such Erlang, everything will be working, except
> for the fact that older Erland will compile different versions of
> libraries, and therefore my 2000 lines long pkg-plist will no longer be
> valid. I thought I can remedy that simply by not listing the lib names and
> their dir paths to avoid such situation, but to use @unexec ${RM} -rf
> lib/portname, but then there's a problem with make package, that is not
> containing all required and compiled libs.
> How to solve that situation?

General idea for complex plist handeling is to use a dynamic plist. I
think java/eclipse is a good example. See also
for further discussion on static vs dynamic plist.

> Regards,
> S.
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