----- Original Message -----
> On 21 July 2013 04:10, Lawrence K. Chen, P.Eng. <lkc...@ksu.edu>
> wrote:
> > While it compiles....it doesn't run very well...
> >
> > Certain pages/sites....some or all of the links will be
> > unclickable.
> >
> > For example....in Zimbra web interface, I could not reply to this
> > message until I reverted back to previous version of chromium.
> >  While I could navigate folders and such, the message bar buttons
> > would work....reply button wouldn't work.
> >
> > In nagios....none of the links could be clicked at all (made it
> > hard to acknowledge a downed service....)
> The behaviour you're seeing is because you've run out of
> shared-memory. Chromium doesn't reliably release the IPC resources
> when it exits or dies. If you log out and do a "ipcs", you'll see
> shared-memory segments still assigned to you. Removing the segments
> will restore chromium's ability to display web-pages.

I regularly check shm usage to see what chromium is up to...to the point where 
I have an alias that identifies unattached segments and tallies up usage stats. 
 I think I've posted it before, but here it is again:

alias lsshm 'ipcs -mob | awk '\''NR > 2 { if ( $5 == "<user>" && $7 == 0 ) { 
sum += $8; cnt++; } { tcnt++; total += $8; print $0 } } END { if (cnt > 0) 
print "count = " cnt "/" tcnt " using = " sum " (" sum/1048576 "MB) out of " 
total " (" total/1048576 "MB)"; else print "total = " tcnt " using = " total " 
(" total/1048576 "MB)" }'\'''

also have aliases to remove....didn't help.
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