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Committers on the hook: bapt danfe gabor glewis kwm miwi pav rakuco rene skreuzer sunpoet swills wg Most recent SVN update was: Updating '.': U MOVED U www/p5-HTTP-Tiny/Makefile U www/p5-HTTP-Tiny/distinfo U www/httrack/Makefile U www/httrack/distinfo U www/zenphoto/pkg-plist U www/zenphoto/Makefile U www/zenphoto/distinfo U games/Makefile D games/nethack34-qt/Makefile UU games/nethack34/Makefile UU databases/rubygem-dm-paperclip/Makefile UU databases/rubygem-dm-paperclip/distinfo UU shells/rssh/Makefile U sysutils/cdrkit/Makefile U sysutils/rubygem-parallel/Makefile U sysutils/rubygem-parallel/distinfo U sysutils/freeipmi/Makefile U sysutils/freeipmi/distinfo U textproc/p5-Excel-Writer-XLSX/Makefile U textproc/p5-Excel-Writer-XLSX/distinfo U textproc/rubygem-yard/Makefile U textproc/rubygem-yard/distinfo UU textproc/rl/Makefile UU net-p2p/torrentsniff/Makefile U misc/pciids/Makefile U misc/pciids/distinfo U misc/p5-Geo-Coder-Mapquest/Makefile UU misc/p5-Geo-Coder-Mapquest/distinfo U misc/help2man/Makefile U misc/help2man/distinfo U graphics/lcms2/Makefile U graphics/lcms2/distinfo U graphics/gphoto2/Makefile U net/p5-Socket/Makefile U net/p5-Socket/distinfo U net/rubygem-oauth2/Makefile U net/rubygem-oauth2/distinfo Updated to revision 322615. _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""