On 6/14/2013 1:10, Steve Wills wrote:
I just attempted to upgrade Ruby & Redmine and one of the gems,
nokogiri, (and a few others) die with the same "ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8"
error durring the doc install phase which prevents the port from
completing the install.

I've searched and search and cannot find anything that relates to this
specifically, anyone have any ideas?

I've seen errors like this, although not with this specific port. I
haven't come up with a good solution yet, but often setting LC_LANG or
LANG or LC_ALL to en_us.utf-8 (or whatever is appropriate for you) helps.
FWIW, bsd.ruby.mk sets LC_CTYPE=UTF-8, but maybe it needs to set more. The
problem is it's generating docs and needs this, but we don't set a LANG by

BINGO.  Thank you both Michael Gmelin (who replied privately) and Steve.

My defaults were C or blank when I ran "locale", and per both of your suggestions setting this let nokogiri build:
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"; export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8";


Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed nokogiri-1.5.0
1 gem installed
Installing RDoc documentation for nokogiri-1.5.0...
===>   Registering installation for rubygem-nokogiri-1.5.0

I also want to note (in case anyone else searches for this) that rubygem-net-ldap port also had the same issue for me and this fixed that port as well.
Thanks again!

Adam Strohl
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